Qumun makes all efforts to build Silk Road Dunhaung Culture Fair

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2016-09-20   Browse Number:0

Approved by Chinese government, the first Silk Road Dunhaung Culture Fair was held from September 20 to 21, 2016 in Dunhuang, Gansu. Adhering to the concept of Best Quality & Finest Service, Qumun pays attention to team cooperation, maintains a professional dedication, keep improving the attitude and optimistic mentality of passion; Sticking to the principle and innovation, with high quality products and services, Qumun has become the landmarks furniture supplier of Dunhuang Grand Theatre, Dunhuang International Conference and Exhibition Center and Dunhuang International Hotel.

Dunhaung Culture Fair is the only culture display platform in China, the only culture exchanges and cooperation platform integrated openness, inclusiveness, internationalization and diversification. Qumun as the specified furniture supplier and the representative brand of Chinese furniture industry, not only participated in the platform construction, but also show the world the originality of enterprise, the mission of realizing Chinese furniture dream and the new image of Chinese furniture. Congratulations to the successful ending of this project and wish the Silk Road Dunhaung International Culture Fair a big success!

Silk Road culture + Qumun furniture

——eight-month project

——260 thousand square meters

——China Top Ten Brand of Shanghai Qumun Furniture

1. Dunhuang theatre——246 days

Total construction area:38217.88㎡

2. Dunhuang International Conference and Exhibition Center——178 days

Constructin area 125061.92㎡.

3. Dunhuang International Hotel—— 306 days

Construction area 90526.135 ㎡.

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