Intercontinental Life, Known the World

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2016-03-12   Browse Number:41

Intercontinental Hotel is the world’s first international hotel brand, in the true sense of five-star hotels all over the world more than 60 countries. Nantong Intercontinental Hotel created by Intercontinental Hotel Group and Shanghai Qumun furniture co., LTD. Grand hotel is colorful, beautiful nature. From the traditional nobility and elegance to the metropolitan modern fashion, to the easy and quiet tropical beach, each hotel has a unique style of their own, taste the thousand kinds of amorous feelings for unique travelers. The hotel has 347 deluxe rooms and suite overlooking the panoramic view of the Yangtze river, large multi-function hall can accommodate 1000 guests, 24 hours of full-time restaurant, delicate color abundant floor Chinese restaurant, Japanese restaurant of unique style and other catering facilities.

Public areas

Gorgeous? graceful? refined and elegant? These words can be used to describe the environment, not at all too much. Authough it is not a winding path, can still lead to a secluded spot for its deep and long ornament of corridor, lights decoration, the reflection of shadow and the use of screen.


Luxury large space, the gorgeous crystal droplight on the ceiling reflects colorful and unreal light, just like dreams. Colorful European-style and simple, fashionable Chinese furniture, delicate buffet table, everywhere shows its aristocratic character.


Intercontinental hotel is the Five-star Luxury Hotel integrated all decoration art structures. The hotel has panoramic view suites, luxury suites, business suites, deluxe rooms and standard rooms. Every elegant decoration of certain position makes it an enjoy experience for living in. Make you enjoy urban wonder and beauty and kick off all business affairs.


Clouds have disappeared, dusk has gone far, the noise of the whole day gradually quiet down with the coming of night. Lamplight just looks like the stars in the sky, the moon added quiet, distant and mysterious feelings to the night...