Qumun won the 2015 China Hotel Furniture Ten Top Brand

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2015-12-01   Browse Number:32

Selected unit introduction
The Chinese Hotel Funiture Bidding Recommendation Activity, jointly organized by China Purchasing and Bidding Web and China Famous Enterprise Ranking Web, has created great influence on the national biding industry and society, become the important reference standard for the purchasers.
Won the Top Ten Brand and Green Furniture Brand
Qumun upholds the enterprise concept of Best Quality & Finest Service, has always insisted on his own spirit dedicated craftsmen, so as to achieve these success that it deserves. The consistent partners and the public also have made indelible contributions to its development over the years.
Furniture industry leader
Excellent enterprise stems from good management. Since the establishment of Qumun, the chairman Mr Zhang Min of Qumun furniture, lead Qumun to get into a new development stage with excellent leadership and management method. At the same time, promote the fast development of furniture industry.
Deserved Reputation
According to ISO9001:2000 quality management system requirements, company establish perfect quality management system to guide company operation and better serve customers. At the same time, take customer demand as the purpose to design and develop products, product delivery control management, customer satisfaction survey and implement improvement measures. Through these efforts, Qumun has became one of the best practitioners of furniture quality and service, provides comprehensive solutions and significant demonstration and reference for the upstream and downstream enterprises and industry development.
Qumun furniture
Shanghai Qumun won the 2015 China hotel furniture ten top brand is desirable. Both in terms of product quality or customer service new crown beauty do in the first place, raw materials are chosen in line with the state environmental protection material inspection standards, accessories are imported or higher quality standard accessories. To believe Qumun is to experience comfortable business space.